Policy submissions and papers
The Shopfront participates in campaigns to raise public awareness of issues affecting young and disadvantaged people. By making submissions to government and parliamentary enquiries, we also try to improve laws and policies.
Please click on the links below to read the following submissions and papers prepared by the Shopfront.
Parole: Question Paper 4: Reintegration into the community and management on parole (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, January 2014)
Parole: Question Paper 5: Breach and revocation (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, January 2014)
Parole: Question Paper 6: Parole for Young Offenders (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, January 2014
Child Protection (Offender Registration) Act (submission to statutory review, August 2013)
Driver Licence Disqualification Reform (submission to NSW Parliamentary inquiry, July 2013)
Evidence Amendment (Evidence of Silence) Bill 2012 (submission to Department of Attorney General and Justice, September 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 12: Procedural and Jurisdictional Aspects (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, September 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 11: Special Categories of Offenders (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, September 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 10: Ancillary Orders (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, September 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 9: Alternative approaches to criminal offending (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, September 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 8: Structure and Hierarchy of Sentencing Options (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, September 2012)
People with Cognitive and Mental Health impairments in the criminal justice system: Question Paper 1: Apprehended Violence Orders (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, August 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 7: non-custodial sentencing options (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, August 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 6: Intermediate custodial sentencing options (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, August 2012)
Sentencing: Question Paper 5: Full-time imprisonment (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, August 2012)
Review of NSW’s Victims Compensation Scheme (submission to NSW Attorney-General, April 2012)
Standard minimum non-parole periods (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, April 2012)
Review of the Young Offenders Act 1997 and the Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (submission to Department of Attorney General and Justice, December 2011)
Statutory review of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 (submission to Criminal Law Review Division, NSW Department of Attorney-General and Justice, November 2011)
Sentencing (preliminary submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, October 2011)
Inquiry into domestic violence trends and issues in NSW (submission to NSW Parliament Standing Committee on Social Issues, September 2011)
Suspended Sentences (submission to NSW Sentencing Council, August 2011)
Bail (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, July 2011)
Young people with cognitive and mental health impairments in the criminal justice system (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, March 2011)
Penalty notices (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, December 2010)
Bail Bill 2010 (submission to Criminal Law Review Division, NSW Attorney-General’s Department, October 2010)
People with cognitive and mental health impairments in the criminal justice system (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, June 2010)
Penalty notices (preliminary submission to New South Wales Law Reform Commission, March 2009)
Submission in response to the Federal Government’s Green Paper on Homelessness (June 2008)
Publication of names of children involved in criminal proceedings (Submission to New South Wales Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice, December 2007)
Graffiti (submission to Crime Prevention Division, New South Wales Attorney-General’s Department, October 2007)
The effectiveness of fines as a sentencing option (further submission to Sentencing Council, September 2007)
Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act review (submission to NSW Ombudsman August 2007)
Youth Homelessness (submission to National Youth Commission inquiry, June 2007)
Privacy (preliminary submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, October 2006)
Storage of reproductive material for prisoners (submission to NSW Parliamentary inquiry, August 2006)
Court-imposed fines and their enforcement (submission to NSW Sentencing Council, February 2006)
Community-Based Sentencing Options for Disadvantaged Populations (submission to NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice, March 2005)
Juvenile Offenders and Detention Centres (submission to NSW Parliament Select Committee on Juvenile Offenders, February 2005)
Improving Safety for Young Drivers (submissions to RTA, February 2005)
Discrimination in Employment on the Basis of Criminal Record (submission to HREOC, February 2005)
Review of Bail Law in NSW (submission to Attorney-General’s Department, January 2005)
Bail Amendment (Repeat Offenders) Act (submission to Attorney-General’s Department, October 2004)
Minors' Consent to Medical Treatment (Submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, August 2004)
Drug Detection Dogs (Submission to NSW Ombudsman, August 2004)
Non-Association and Place Restriction orders (submission to Ombudsman, March 2004)
Inebriates Act (submission to Standing Committee on Social Issues, NSW Parliament, December 2003)
Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act (submission to Ombudsman, October 2003)
Non-Association and Place Restriction orders (case studies submitted to Ombudsman, July 2003)
Fines and Demerit Points (submission to RTA, September 2003)
Police Powers (Drug Premises) Act (submission to Ombudsman, July 2003)
Police powers (Drug Premises) Act (preliminary submission to Ombudsman on use of move-on directions in Cabramatta, June 2002)
Equalising the Age of Consent (submission to NSW Parliamentary Inquiry, November 2002)
Child Protection Services (submission to Standing Committee on Social issues, NSW Parliament, June 2002)
Fines (submission to review of Fines Act, June 2002)
Victims Compensation (submission to Attorney General's Department, May 2002)
Mental Health Services in NSW (submission to NSW Parliamentary Inquiry, April 2002)
Review of Young Offenders Act (submission to Attorney General's Department, December 2001)
Sentencing Young Offenders (submission to NSW Law Reform Commission, October 2001)
"The age of criminal responsibility and the principle of doli incapax" (submission to Criminal Law Review Division, Attorney General's Department, March 2000)
Police search and move-on powers (submission to Ombudsman on Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police and Public Safety) Act 1998,July 1999